
Working it out!


So, in the first post I shared that I really was not satisfied with my weight and size. I have been running (a couple times a week). And I will admit, I have seen a few improvements, but I feel like I needed some encouragement and an extra push. So, I HIRED A PERSONAL TRAINER!!!!! Yay!!! I was very excited. She is actually one of my coworkers at the bridal boutique where I work.

Today (April 14, 2014) was my first session, and boy was it a work out! I am tired and in pain, but I feel great. I had some people say to me, “you can’t afford a trainer.” or, the popular one, “you can do it yourself.”

Although, both comments are true, I feel that I am willing to sacrifice some shopping and eating out (i was eating bad anyway) for someone, who is an expert, to help me get to my desired look.

It is always hard for me to ask people for help.  My past attitude has been; if I can’t do it myself, then it won’t get done.  I have felt that if I ask for help, that would make me look like a loser, or that I don’t know how to do anything. Truth is, there is literally nothing wrong with asking for help! If you need support, advice, encouragement, or help; get up and ask someone who is experienced in that field. I love offering help and I wouldn’t want some one to miss out on great things because their were scared or nervous to ask me.

So, in short, yes I did hire a personal trainer and yes I’m excited and yes, I’m glad I pushed my pride aside (that rhymes. Lol)  and asked for help!


Has there been a time that you felt discourage about asking someone something or for help?

Are you easily pressured to change your mind, based off of others thoughts on your situation?

Are you prideful?

– Leave comments and stories below, I would love to hear from you !


From me,
