Why I’m No Longer Afraid of Being Great

Why I’m No Longer Afraid of Being Great

Everyone Else Is Doing It…

Now, if your parents were like mine, they would say; “don’t do things because other people are doing it.”  It would usually be followed by; “if your friends jump off of a bridge, would you?”

At this point in my life my response would be, “if that bridge was my current status in life and the lake was full of awesomeness, then… yes, I would totally jump!

When I talk to friends, look through my different social media platforms; I often see many of my peers doing what it seems to be excelling in life.  They have multiple degrees, starting businesses, buying homes, etc.  Now let me start by saying that I am a smart young lady.  I graduated from a highly ranked engineering university in Georgia. I have worked for Fortune 500 companies and own my own car.  In this situation, no one is better than the other.  My peers have just made decisions that I am finally ready to make, to be great!  I have resources and the support team to do so as well.

Honestly, What Else Am I Doing?  Lol!

I am single, I am young, I don’t have any children; I am not responsible for anyone other than myself.

My job is downstairs of my apartment, so that cuts down on commuting time.  This leaves me with having a lot of extra time on my hands.  Since I have moved from Georgia to Virginia; I have not really met many friends, so I really have a lot of time.  So why do I not use all of this time to my benefit?  Well, I am now choosing to do so.  I am starting to travel and put things in place for me to begin business ventures.  This is a very unclear and exciting time in life that I feel is designed and made for exploring!  Basically, I have nothing else to do other than go for it all!

‘Tis The Season! 

As I mentioned before, I am currently single.  I believe that God is preparing me for my husband and my husband for me (yay!!).  No worries, this post is not about to get “mushy.” This is where I had to think long and hard.  What is a girl to do in this single season? It has been decided that I am going to be who I want to be, do the things I want to do (morally and with reason of course). So what does this mean, what does it include?

When I get married, there are things I want to bring into the relationship.  There are experiences I want to have and I want to look/ feel a certain way.  For example, I want to be super fit, have abs and toned body.  I want to have traveled many places and have seen parts of the world.  I want to learn different skills, maybe go back to school… okay maybe not that!


So, it is official.  I am no longer afraid of taking the steps to #BeGreat!  I have things that I now have to start doing and I am very excited about this journey!