Don’t ever give up. If there are things that you want to do… go after them! I thought that if I didn’t pursue the things that I wanted to accomplish that I would miss out. I thought that if I got this job, I would not accomplish my other goals, but look at God. He had allowed everything to line…
In my previous post, I share how training is going with my new job. I’m really enjoying it and I’m learning a LOT!! Not just about work, but about myself and the other trainees.
So much has happened this far and we are only in week 5. Something that I have had to learn is…encouragement!!! I can not stress how much I have found that to be important.
During this training program, I am away from my family and my friends. I’ll just be honest here:
-This is a 12 week training program
-There are 10 trainees, 7 males, 3 females
-1 black person (ME) Lol!
With this being said, I have needed some encouragement throughout this process. And who better else to give it, then myself?? I have never been the one to hunt for quotes, but I just may be the best in the business now. LOL, but seriously! (Of course I do still spend time with God and have devotions)
In my hotel room, I have posted pictures of quotes that I want to live by.
The purpose of this blog post is to one, let you all know that I’m alive (lol) and second, please don’t depend on others to believe in you. Encourage yourself to get to where you want to be, to do what you want and to be who you want. I’m no expert, but I sure am moving in the right direction!!
This is week two of my new job and I have noticed something that I think I have never really noticed before.
Soooooo, this has been such an amazing week! I just started my first full time position last week. YAY! I know that for a long time I have been talking about following your dreams and to after after what you want. I am happy to say that after 3 times applying for this position and many interviews later, I have…
Long time, no post…LOL. (Lame, I know) Hello, it is good to be back to posting. I want to share a couple of goals that I set and share the results. In my very first video I shared that I wanted to run a race before my birthday at the end of the year. So I worked and trained for…
Dear Diary, Today was not a great or even good day. I am so embarrasred to share that I still ride the bus to work everyday, or shoot, anywhere I have to go. Many people tell me not to complain, but… they all have cars. Lol. Anyway, today was a typical work day. I had to be there at 3pm,…
So… I live in Atlanta and last night we had a storm and it was raining pretty hard. The wind was blowing and the trees were dancing in the wind. (no, I’m not trying to write a novel, lol. I just want to paint a picture for ya’ll) At the end of the storm, the sky was such a beautiful…
So, in the first post I shared that I really was not satisfied with my weight and size. I have been running (a couple times a week). And I will admit, I have seen a few improvements, but I feel like I needed some encouragement and an extra push. So, I HIRED A PERSONAL TRAINER!!!!! Yay!!! I was very…
So… I’m very upset about my whole car situation. This is to show that everything is not roses and that we have to learn to expect the unexpected. My car has been in the shop for a few days and I get the call today saying that I need a new transmission. I don’t really have to funds to put…
Hello everyone!! I’m excited to share with you all some things that I am working on and some things that are coming up. I make hair accessories and bow ties and I have my first order this week!! (very excited) Ps. Stay encouraged. Find positive people and quotes to help you “Keep the ball rolling!”