
Recovery: A Form Of Self Love

We often spend the month of February anticipating Valentine’s Day. Whether it is spending time with your significant other, a special night with your girls, or the idea of that romantic proposal. Society has made Valentine’s a day that men are supposed to cater to their girlfriends, wives, or other titles 😁.

I want each of us to celebrate how we’d like. I’d also like us to evaluate where we are on the self-love spectrum. Not going for massages and pedi’s/mani’s, but where are you with the relationship that you have with yourself?

Have you dealt with/dealing with trauma?

Have you addressed what is keeping you from being whole?

Do you genuinely love yourself?

Are you investing in your craft/passion/purpose?

Have you sought therapy or counsel?

Recovery doesn’t happen on its own. There is a level of intention and work that we have to put in. This post isn’t to pressure you. This post is to encourage you to think about the person that you will be in a relationship with for the rest of your life, YOU. Yes, loving others and doing external acts will certainly fulfill some areas ( I mean, we are human and we naturally want others to feel loved), but what tends to happen is where we end up placing our focus becomes imbalanced.

To recover from what keeps you from being whole is the ultimate form of self-love. Choose to love yourself from the inside out. You will notice relief, you will notice healthier relationships with others, and certainly personal growth.

You are absolutely worthy of love! Don’t depend on seeking it from outside sources. Choose to recover and heal yourself first. This way, you can be whole alone and if you choose to be in a relationship/friendship, you are able to love that person well.

From me,


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