Measuring Personal Progress

Measuring Personal Progress



Your personal progress or growth is not always measured by whats seen externally.  Think about how you have changed or how you have grown internally.

If you are more patient than you were 8 months ago, that is growth.

If you believe in yourself more than you did 3 months ago, that is progress.

Do you notice that you have more positive  thoughts/ words than ever before, then that is progress.

Do you react slower to unnecessary actions? That is growth.


We feel great when we receive feedback from others about how we are doing, but do you measure the changes you are making that others are not aware of?

“Internal growth is the foundation for any external progress.”- Christina Robinson

Value the little things that are molding you to be your greater self.  What does this look like?  This requires you to pay attention.  Pay attention to your words, your actions and your attitude.  How they have changed over the past few weeks.  Have they even changed?

When you can recognize what you have going on inside of you, that will allow you to properly measure your personal growth.  Everything that you do will not be for others to appreciate.

Plant the intentional seeds in your life and watch yourself grow.  Some of your progress is for your eyes only.




From me,
