Do not get me wrong; I love a good mani and pedi, a nice Sunday brunch and I can always go for a massage. Think about the images on your social media feeds every weekend. These events are what we always post, using #selfcare. What if you can not really afford that $45+ Sunday brunch? Is treating yourself always a…
I’m not ready. I wanted to have it all together by thirty. You know, the house, my dream car and a husband on my arms. I wanted to be super fit and working the career I have always dreamed about. The truth is, I do not have any of those things and I will be thirty in 5 months. At…
Most people wake up 30 minutes before they have to be at work. They wake up, shower, eat (maybe) and head right to work. You have not mentally and emotionally prepared yourself for the day. How can you give your employer, employees, professors and peers or children the most of you and you have not poured into yourself? It is…
Engagement, defined as an arrangement to do something or go somewhere at a fixed time. To make a commitment or appointment. As the holidays come around, many couples use this time to get engaged. But what about those who are not in that area of their lives? It’s still engagement season! This is why… When you are engaged, what is…
Your personal progress or growth is not always measured by whats seen externally. Think about how you have changed or how you have grown internally. If you are more patient than you were 8 months ago, that is growth. If you believe in yourself more than you did 3 months ago, that is progress. Do you notice that…
When we find ourselves in a season or seasons that are not desirable, we often fall in a funk. We get down, overwhelmed and discouraged. This is the opposite of what we should do. I know this tends to be much easier said than done, but its possible to achieve more with a little attitude change. Whether you find…
Over the last couple of months, I have been mentally and emotionally all over the place. I began to feel overwhelmed with certain decisions that I needed to make and I just had enough. I need clarity and direction. As a Christian, there are times where you can tell that you are drifting from Christ. I know this…
When I moved to northern Virginia a few years ago, I used it as an opportunity to challenge myself. I started to take note of the things that I was putting on my body (lotions, soaps deodorant) and in my body( food/drinks). I knew about essential oils for many years, I just never really looked into them and their…
Love, often defined as just a feeling, but I recognize it as more. As for this journey called life, I can say that I’m starting to love it! I am in a comfortable place personally and professionally. I have not always been a fan of the D.C area, but for some reason God has allowed me to come back. …
From feeling stuck To having a mentor… Ask for a mentor when you are ready to journey to the next level in your life, whether a professional mentor or a spiritual mentor. A great way to invest in yourself this year is asking for someone to mentor you. Think about ALL of the reasons that you believe you need a…