What a blessing it is to be on this side of 2020!
Ahhhh( as I sip my turmeric and ginger tea). A new month brings on new energy, eagerness to achieve goals and optimism towards the unknown. We usually start a new year, a new month, and a new week, the same way. We are pumped and ready to “be our best selves.”
As time goes on, we lose the passion, and life’s obstacles tend to get in the way. Well, I want to encourage you to consider the obstacles as you are designing and planning out your goals. Of course, we can not plan everything, but this will allow you to leave room for unexpected moments. Here, I have developed 3 ways to consider your new year’s resolutions and/or general goals for yourself.
- Practical planning is more efficient than the “Dream Big” concept: With the “Dream Big” concept, we sometimes miss the smaller details that can make a difference. Practical does not mean less than; practical planning allows you to evaluate yourself and your resources to see what you can do on your own and where you need to outsource. Practical planning also gives perspective and options. So when life gives you lemons, you are able to revisit your plans to see where you can make adjustments. Practical planning makes me think of viewing my goals from a birds eye perspective. Ofcourse things can change during the journey, but this view gives me the tools to maneuver with less emotions and more efficiently.
- Uninspired moments are part of the process: I hate to be the bearer of bad news , but there WILL be moments where you are unispired, drained, overwhelmed. So how do you use this time? -It could be a great time to rest or to take a mental/emotional break. We are so eager to get things done, that we will wreck ourselves to do it. This is a hard no! As a creative, we thrive off of fresh and CLEAR thoughts. Learn to listen to your body and your mind and step away before it gets to that point. -Ask yourself questions. Ask yourself why you are feeling uninspired. Have you entered a brain fog? Are you truly no longer interested in the task? Is this the boring phase of the project and you need to get past it? Or maybe the lack of inspiration creeps in because of self doubt. Whatever the case is, it is up to you to dedicate the time to evaluate what led you to this point and create a plan for you to continue to make progress. -Sometimes we are uninspired because we have disconnected from the very things or people that inspire us. In this season, reach back out and surround yourself with the sources and people that will refuel you. You already know what and who they are. This is also a reminder to be that inspiration to others.
- Do not get stuck on the numbers that you set (they should be a reference): Progress is progress and you should be proud. The amount of pressure that we put on ourselves is damaging. You have weight loss goals and financial goals that you tie specefic numbers too. Though, this is a great way to start the goal (the big picture) you have to remember that throughout this journey, your goals will be interupted by things you will not be able to control. This isn’t the time to beat yourself up. This is the time to appreciate the little hills that you have been able to conquer. That’s such a beautiful part that we typically miss. For example, you may not have saved all of the money that you hoped for, but you started a financial routine that will take you there. Your discipline was seen by family and friends who, now, want to be more financially responsible. Do not let the numbers keep you away from your other growth opportunities.
Of course these are not the only three ways to keep you on your journey , but these are three great ways to stay encouraged during your goals. What would you add to this list? How do you stay encourged to achieve your goals?
From me,