My Big Chop

My Big Chop

Oh, what a day!  This was the day I did the “big chop!”

So I have been contemplating cutting my hair for a while. The reasons I have waited this long are:

I like versatility and can’t do many styles with it short and natural.

What if I don’t like the cut and regret cutting it?

What would others say, what if they don’t like it?

Reasons why I did cut it:

-I’ve wanted to for a while, to try something different.
-Both of my sisters are natural and I LOVE their hair.
-I want healthy hair.
-I often see natural women on Instagram and I get super inspired.

Well the day came and I decided to actually go for it, the Big Chop! So since I’m up in Virginia, I had no idea how I would find a hair dresser. How would I pick the person who would perform this ultimate, important, life changing task? I googled, and instagrammed for days and even called many places. I needed it done that weekend because  if I  didn’t hurry and cut my hair, I knew that I probably change my mind.

I finally found a shop in Maryland, 30 minutes from where I live.  I drove there and was very excited and anxious the entire drive.  I met my stylist, we picked the color I wanted to dye it.  She colored my hair first, washed it and then…began to cut.

Oh my word! What have I done? There is no going back. All of these thoughts were going through my head. I thought I was going to cry(like most girls do when they do the Big Chop), but all I did was laugh,  like I was actually laughing as I watched her cut my hair off. I noticed that I look exactly like my mom when she was rocking her Afro in the 70’s.  I did it, all of my hair was mostly cut off. No one told me to do it, I just did. I was very proud of my self at that moment.

This may sound weird, but I actually felt FREE!! For years, the image of beauty has been long hair and weaves(don’t get me wrong, I love my weaves. Lol!) but at that moment, I didn’t care what others might say, knowing many would ask me, “why?”

I felt beautiful and confident, my whole attitude changed.  The way I viewed so many things changed, right after getting my hair cut.  What a magical experience that was!

So, at this point, it has been a week and one day since I did the “Big Chop” and I’m in love with who I am/have been becoming. Shoot, it’s just hair, it will grow back. (I hope.)

I will always remember the date 7.11.2015, the day I decided to start completely over.

“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” -Coco Chanel

She just got started with my color, although she put in the wrong color.



Officially a part of #teamnatural
Officially a part of #teamnatural


From me,
