
5 Ways to Address Burnout

The pressure of the “grind” or the “work hard” mentality can really take a toll on you. Many of us are still working virtually and continuing to figure out how to navigate through our day-to-day functions.

I’m still trying to create a practical and productive routine for myself. I realized that I wasn’t giving myself the appropriate time to emotionally and mentally deal with the pandemic. I have been making moves and staying busy, thinking that would be the “cure” to the pandemic funk and the isolation of quarantine. I was wrong, very very wrong.

My anxiety has heightened, my goals have been diluted and inspiration has been lacking. I experienced an emotional breakdown and could not figure out how to recover. This is because everyday life hadn’t changed. We, for the most part, are still restricted from what we used to know and experience as normal.

I want to encourage us to use resources and people in our lives to be our advocates. I’ve read this article and it was such a blessing to me and I felt heard and understood. I felt like it was my answer to true rest and vacation. For those of us that are working, we should use our job’s resources to our benefit!

People think that those who are not married or have children shouldn’t be as overwhelmed or feel under pressure; though the experiences may not be equal to those who are parents, we are still experiencing our own very real challenges. I had to personally realize that I can’t afford to dilute my struggles just because they don’t appear as intense as someone else’s.

So, here is how you can address YOUR burnout:

  1. Recognize the signs of burnout. (This article is from 2013, but super relevant)
  2. Create a list of things that give you peace and are relaxing. (Manis & pedis are great but, remember there are free things too!)
  3. Advocacy: learn who can support you when you lack resources. (Your manager, HR team & remember to re-visit your employee benefits)
  4. If you can’t get calm or relaxed on your own, intentionally create that environment for yourself. (The right song/music has many health benefits; listen here! Aromatherapy or dim/turn off lights.)
  5. Reassurance: Trust that you know what feels good to you. What you are doing for yourself will give you what you need and that what you are doing will be worth it!

What are some other tips you would add to this list?

Relax and love yourself through this!

From Chrissy,